VicForests acknowledges ABC apology
VicForests has acknowledged an apology from the ABC regarding its inaccurate reporting of allegations raised by Professor David Lindenmayer.
In April this year, the ABC reported on work from the ANU’s Prof. David Lindenmayer, stating his “research found there has been widespread and systemic breaches of a Victorian law banning logging in areas protected for drinking water supply”.
In its apology the ABC conceded they had misrepresented the facts and failed to make it clear that the Office of the Conservation Regulator’s investigation had found minor breaches in VicForests’ operations, and had decided not to take any action because it found no evidence of demonstrable environmental harm.
The ABC’s reporting risked alarming the community that their drinking water was unsafe. This was not, and was never, the case.
VicForests takes its responsibility of sustainably harvesting coupes within our state forests for today and future generations extremely seriously.
Our ecologically sensitive approach to harvesting assists with meeting timber supply shortages the timber industry is currently experiencing.
VicForests welcomes the ABC correcting the facts – albeit three months after their reporting.
Read the ABC apology here:
An extract of the ABC's response to CEO VicForests can be viewed here.