VicForests response to the ABC regarding a news item making
inaccurate allegations about our harvesting activity
The following comments from VicForests CEO Monique Dawson were provided to the ABC:
“It is normal for the TRP to include some coupes or areas outside the Allocation Order. VicForests cannot harvest these areas without prior special approval from the regulator.
Typically, areas beyond the AO include road accesses, regenerating coupes from previous TRPs, and sometimes a part of a coupe whose boundary follows natural features that fall outside of the AO.
VicForests does not harvest without appropriate approvals, and when an area is recognised to be outside the Allocation Order we have always sought and received required permissions from the regulator or the Minister before harvesting.
The ABC claims have focused on a coupe called Squirrel’s Paw.
The current, more detailed, Allocation Order 2019 has clarified and confirmed that Squirrel’s Paw is within the harvesting area. This is consistent with VicForests’ view that Squirrel’s Paw was within the harvestable area when it was harvested.
VicForests is confident all its current harvesting operations are consistent with the Allocation Order.”