Policies, Procedures and Instructions
There are a range of policies, procedures and instructions that form part of VicForests’ Sustainable Forest Management System, that include detailed requirements for all of VicForests operational activities.
Delivery of and compliance with these requirements are regularly reviewed through a system of internal, external and third party audits.
Below are examples of VicForests Policies, Procedures and Instructions. Click on each heading for more information.
VicForests' Policies
VicForests policies are concise documents that identify VicForests’ principles and/or overarching approach to tasks undertaken by the company. Adherence to VicForests’ Policies will guide decisions throughout the business.
VicForests' Procedures
Procedures are documents that identify rules and/or outcomes that must be met by VicForests’ staff and/or contractors. Examples include VicForests’ Utilisation Procedures and Operating Procedures.
VicForests Instructions
Instructions define processes which should be undertaken by internal VicForests staff. Failure to follow an instruction may risk non-compliance with VicForests’ commercial objectives, risk controls, legal obligations, agreements or certification schemes.