We partner with scientists and the community
VicForests regrows all harvested areas with the same type of forest that was originally there and the vast majority of Victoria’s native forests will never be harvested. We harvest approximately 3000 hectares each year, which is around 0.04% of Victoria's native forests.
Prior to any harvesting a thorough multi-layered planning process is undertaken to consider the management of the many environmental and other values present in the forest.
In addition to this, we partner with scientists, government and other stakeholders to proactively adapt our practices to achieve best outcomes.
Listening to the community ensures that we are aware of what is important to them, so that we can incorporate these things into our plans.
A positive impact for everyone
The native timber industry contributes hundreds of millions of dollars and thousands of jobs to regional Victoria regional each year.
Our staff passionately care about forests and the environment, that is why they have chosen to undertake specialist degrees and spend their life working in the forest.
VicForests employs a variety of professionals in a range of fields from environmental and forest scientists to ecologists, policy and compliance officers and research and modelling analysts.
VicForests' operations are certified under the Responsible Wood Certification Scheme, which is endorsed by the world's largest forest certification scheme PEFC.