31st July 2018
NAIDOC week statement
VicForests would like to take the opportunity during NAIDOC week to reflect, acknowledge and respect the long-held forest based cultural and spiritual connections that Aboriginal people have. These connections are significant, current and respected. Aboriginal people developed and implemented land management techniques and fire regimes over millennia which shaped the forests that Australians know, love and value.
Aboriginal people are a part of the forest and timber industries and we encourage this going forward.
With respect to this year’s NAIDOC week, ‘Because of Her, We Can!’ we would particularly like to acknowledge Aboriginal women and their connections to forests and community. As well we’ve recently met with female Traditional Owners from the East Gippsland region and we would like to take this opportunity to once again thank them for their generosity during these meetings.
Finally, we wish Aboriginal communities an enjoyable NAIDOC week.