Forest Management in Victoria
In order for VicForests to legally harvest native forests in Victoria there is a wide range of policies, procedures, strategies, agreements and legislation that dictate which areas of Victoria’s forests are available for harvest, and the forest management requirements that must be met in those areas.
The top half of this interactive diagram shows the primary legislative requirements placed on VicForests.
In the lower half of this interactive diagram you can explore VicForests Forest Management System.
VicForests’ Forest Management Plan
VicForests has developed its Forest Management Plan to communicate clearly the policy settings under which we operate, describe our responsibilities and invite ongoing collaboration with stakeholders to help us realise continual improvement in the way we manage Victoria’s unique native forests.
This Plan will be reviewed on a regular basis and VicForests welcomes ongoing stakeholder input.
Further information on Responsible Wood and FSC®, can be found here.