Media Releases 2020
Bunnings' decision will cost Victorian jobs and hurt families
1 July 2020
VicForests is disappointed and deeply concerned by Bunnings’ decision yesterday to no longer stock sustainably sourced Victorian timber from VicForests.
This decision has put up to 170 regional jobs in jeopardy, many of which had already been impacted by this summer’s disastrous bushfires, Coronavirus (COVID-19) and illegal protest action.
Click the below link to continue reading.
Media Release: Bunnings' decision will cost Victorian jobs and hurt families
Call for input on proposed Timber Release Plan changes
29 June 2020
VicForests has commenced public consultation on proposed changes to its Timber Release Plan in response to the 2019/20 bushfire season.
The proposed TRP covers 59 coupes that VicForests is considering harvesting under strict controls in the Benalla-Mansfield, North-East and Tambo Forest Management Areas (FMAs), excluding the East Gippsland FMA.
VicForests is conducting its public consultation process until 10 July 2020 to ensure suitable input and comment from interested parties, including the community.
Click the below link to continue reading.
Media Release: Call for input on proposed Timber Release Plan changes
VicForests will back its contractors - CEO
7 February 2020
VicForests’ CEO Monique Dawson has committed to the continued support of 10 contractors and 90 workers who have been impacted by a force majeure notice because fires have meant timber supply cannot be guaranteed in the foreseeable future from East Gippsland.