Community forestry
VicForests manages small-scale forestry operations in Western Victoria. These provide local operators with access to firewood, sawlog, fencing materials and other specialty products.
This follows the transfer of the Department of Environment and Primary Industries' (Now DELWP’s) Commercial Forestry Services Unit to VicForests in 2014.
The transfer unites all commercial timber harvesting in Victorian state forests under the one organisation, VicForests, established for the purpose of ensuring an enhanced and consistent approach to safety, reporting and environmental standards.
Timber Utilisation Plan (TUP)
VicForests periodically prepares a Timber Utilisation Plan, identifying areas where we propose to conduct operations in Western Victoria.
To find out more, click here.
Firewood for commercial purposes
VicForests provides firewood to commercial operators. For information on the application process, please see below.
Domestic firewood
Forest Fire Manangement Victoria is responsible for management of domestic firewood. For more information visit their website.
Forest Produce Licence application
Persons interested in commercial timber harvesting in State forests in western Victoria must obtain a Forest Produce Licence.
This form can be accessed by contacting