Sustainable Harvesting
Sustainability is fundamental to VicForests operations.
We sustainable harvest, sell and regrow timber from Victoria’s State forests under a mandate from the Victorian Government.
VicForests has been certified under the Responsible Wood Certification Scheme since 2007. Our operations are independently audited on a regular basis.
Whenever we harvest timber, we do so in accordance with relevant policies, procedures, strategies, agreements and legislation. Our planning process is extensive, with a particular focus on conservation values.
And all work is undertaken by highly-skilled, highly-qualified foresters.
Each tree we harvest is replanted and regrown with the original species. We apply extensive protections for native flora and fauna, as well as protecting waterways and soils.
Native forestry in Victoria is a sustainable industry making use of a renewal, desirable product. Timber is used for flooring, furniture and other high-end uses, and supports thousands of jobs.
Adaptive harvesting approach
Our sustainable practices are underpinned by an adaptive suite of harvesting and regeneration techniques used to balance social, environmental and economic objectives within the forest estate.
Our adaptive harvesting approach focuses on applying the most appropriate silvicultural systems to match the forest species and characteristics to management objectives.
This is achieved by assessing coupes for forest values (forest type, threatened species, social factors) at multiple scales and developing an appropriate plan, tailored for each coupe.
Examples of adaptive measures
- Protect: increasing retention of hollow-bearing trees and important ecological areas within the coupe
- Recruit: focusing on the protection of hollow-bearing trees for the now, medium and long-term
- Connect: using detailed surveys and forest data to design coupes to maintain connectivity between habitat patches inside and adjacent to the coupe
- Regenerate: increasing use of low-intensity regeneration programs to assist in the protection of ecological values during regeneration works