Executive management
VicForests is a State-owned business with an independent Board of Directors, and accountable to the Victorian Government through the Minister for Agriculture and the Treasurer.
Monique Dawson
Darryn Kamp
Areas of responsibility include: finance, corporate reporting, risk management and information technology.
Anne Geary
Areas of responsibility include: strategy & industry policy, business development, forest resource information, GIS services, and climate change & R&D.
Natalie Naylor
Areas of responsibility include: legal and procurement.
Deon Kriek
Areas of responsibility include: sales, forest contracting, planning, harvesting, regeneration, roading, product delivery and community forestry.
Jason Hellyer
Areas of responsibility include: human resources, safety, staff development, and training.
Our Board members possess a diverse range of skills and expertise to manage the variety of issues on which they provides direction.