Stakeholder Update - 27 June 2017
You may be aware of a story in the media around the discovery of a deceased koala in an area of mixed species recently harvested by VicForests.
VicForests follows procedures in its timber harvesting operations for the protection of koalas and unfortunately these were not successful on this occasion.
VicForests recognises koalas as an iconic native species that are important to protect and we deeply regret that this has happened.
This is the first time we have seen this and we are taking this incident very seriously. We have commenced an investigation into this issue to fully understand the circumstances.
When the investigation is complete we will consider any necessary changes to our procedures to minimise the risk of this happening again.
We will provide a further update next week as more information becomes available, including the outcomes of the investigation if finalised.
There is currently no timber harvesting taking place in this area.