Contact us
Regional Head Offices
For more information on how VicForests responds to stakeholders please see our Stakeholder Engagement Policy and Stakeholder Engagement Guidelines.
Orbost VIC 3888
Orbost VIC 3888
Fax 03 5161 1300
Woori Yallock
7-13 Symes Rd
Woori Yallock VIC 3139
Tel 03 5954 4100
DX: 216443
Other regional district offices
5-6 Binns McCraes Rd
Alexandra 3714
Tel 03 5772 0200
Fax 03 5772 0218
Dx: 214020
3/ 402 Mair Street
Ballarat VIC 3350
Tel 03 5336 6769
Fax 03 5336 6601
Cnr Midlands Hwy & Taylor St
Epsom VIC 3351
Tel 03 5430 4804
Dowling Street
Bendoc VIC 3888
Tel 02 6459 0500
Fax 02 6459 0555
Thomson Valley Road
Parkers Cnr VIC 3825
Tel 03 5165 2200
Fax 03 5165 2233
McCarthy's Spur Road
Noojee VIC 3833
Tel 03 5624 8100
Fax 03 5628 9563
5338 Great Alpine Road
Ovens VIC 3738
Tel 03 5731 1222
Fax 03 5731 1223
Swifts Creek
McMillan Ave
Swifts Creek VIC 3896
PO Box 43
McMillan Ave
Swifts Creek 3896
Tel 03 5159 5100
Fax 03 5159 5111