Fact Sheets
VicForests: Our Story
VicForests’ story is social, economic and environmental.
We are a Government Owned Enterprise, tasked to harvest, commercially sell and sustainably regrow timber from Victoria’s State forests.
Harvesting after fires
In fire prone landscapes, intense bushfires can remove entire forests creating a sterile ash bed needed for falling seeds to germinate new forests.
Following bushfires, VicForests carefully manages its harvesting and regeneration program.
How we use timber from different parts of the tree
Not all parts of the tree are the same. We aim to ensure as many parts of the tree are utilised as possible.
Below are some examples of how we use the timber from different parts of the tree.
Forests and Water
Forests play a key role in maintaining and improving water quality and quantity through a range of vital ecological processes.
In Victoria, VicForests carefully plan and manage our timber harvesting operations to protect water quality and quantity, rivers and waterways.
Native Timber Harvesting in Melbourne's Water Catchments
Melbourne’s water catchments cover 157,000 hectares across the State and public access to these areas is tightly restricted to protect water quality.
The majority of Melbourne’s water comes from catchments where no timber harvesting occurs and public access is not permitted.
Timber Release Plan
The Timber Release Plan (TRP) is a plan identifying areas called coupes that may be harvested for timber.
The TRP lists the coupes, their locations, the type of forest within and the method of harvesting that would be used in each one.
Victoria’s Native Timber Industry
VicForests plays an important role in sourcing timber. We also focus on the long-term sustainability of the native timber industry.
Regrowing Victoria’s Forests
Did you know that VicForests re-seeds and replants trees in all areas where harvesting takes place to ensure the forest grows back?
The seeds used are sourced from local regions to ensure the trees which grow back match the mix of species that existed on the site prior to harvesting.
VicForests' Planning Process
To identify areas suitable for harvesting within the available forest a dedicated team of VicForests planning specialists follow rigorous planning processes.
The Leadbeater's Possum
VicForests is committed to learning about protecting the critically endangered Leadbeater's possum. We are at the forefront of research to understand the possum's habitat, home range and ecology.
VicForests team of scientists and the expert foresters are focused on the protection of endangered species while overseeing sustainable timber harvesting,