Latest News
May 2021
VicForests' response to the findings of its appeal to the Federal Court
10 May 2021
VicForests is pleased that its appeal to the Full Court of the Federal Court has been successful.
The Full Court accepted VicForests’ arguments on the main ground of appeal – with all other grounds being argued as an alternative in the event that the first ground was unsuccessful.
Importantly the Court has upheld VicForests’ interpretation of the framework for sharing of environmental regulation between the Commonwealth and the States – that is, that forestry operations conducted in an area that is managed through a Regional Forest Agreement are managed under the State regime approved by the Commonwealth through the RFA process, not through the approval process under Commonwealth Law.
For more information please see our fact sheet of the FoLP appeal decision here.
Update – 3 June 2021 – VicForests’ response to costs order by the Full Court
VicForests won its appeal against Friends of Leadbeater's Possum Inc. with the Full Court of the Federal Court agreeing that the EPBC Act does not apply to VicForests operations and that Justice Mortimer did not have jurisdiction to hear the matter.
VicForests is surprised and disappointed by the Full Federal Court’s decision on costs, as costs are not ordinarily ordered against the successful party.
VicForests is considering its position.
VicForests again rejects allegations that it has adversely impacted drinking water
18 May 2021
Claims aired today by the ABC that Melbourne's drinking supplies have been put at risk by harvesting are false, irresponsible and absurd.
The Office of the Conservation Regulator (OCR) inspected the operation in question in October 2020 and did not report any significant issues with management of slope.
There are very small areas identified that exceed 30 degrees of the coupe, however the combined total of the small patches is within the previously accepted tolerance that applied at the time.
A range of protections, including all buffers, were put in place in this coupe to protect water quality. The total area that exceeded 30 degrees in this coupe equals 1 hectare out of a catchment of 156,000 hectares. That is, 0.0006%. Suggestions that this could have any impact on water in the catchment have no basis and are scientifically and mathematically absurd.
After receiving updated guidance from the regulator last year, VicForests no longer applies the 10% flexibility for any catchment areas. VicForests has since implemented a more detailed slope model using granular LiDAR modelling to guide planning of timber harvesting operations.
VicForests puts in a place a range of protections in its harvesting operations to protect water quality. This includes several planning controls, such as stream buffers, pursuant to rigorous regulatory requirements.
All timber harvesting and regeneration operations must be conducted in line with Victoria’s strict environmental regulations and the State’s Forest Management Zoning scheme.
VicForests welcomes scrutiny of its operations, but continued misleading reports on this issue by the ABC on this matter is irresponsible and has the potential to cause community concern without any reasonable foundation.
VicForests commences responsible harvesting in East Gippsland Forest Management Area
10 May 2021
Immediately following the 2019-2020 bushfires, VicForests paused all harvesting in the East Gippsland Forest Management Area to allow the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) to assess the impact of the fires and implement thorough threatened species surveys.
Since around mid 2020, VicForests has been conducting salvage harvest operations across eastern Victoria, predominantly in the bushfire affected North East Forest Management Area. This work has supported the towns and communities most affected by the 2019-2020 bushfires.
Good rainfall and seasonal conditions across the remainder of 2020 and into 2021 have facilitated an encouraging recovery of the forest understory and VicForests has identified unburnt and lightly burnt areas within the fire footprint that can be sustainably harvested in 2021 while minimising risks to biodiversity.
As such, VicForests will resume harvesting unburnt coupes within the East Gippsland fire footprint. This harvesting will be essential to restoring supply for timber processers that have been significantly impacted by constraints during 2020.
VicForests is planning to harvest a very small area in East Gippsland over the next 18 months, totalling around 0.2% of the unburnt forest in East Gippsland.
Prior to the commencement of harvesting in unburnt coupes, VicForests undertakes a thorough planning process which uses information available from DELWP, Arthur Rylah Institute and scientists and considers the fire severity, likely biodiversity impacts and requirements for key species of concern. This process includes aerial photography and pre-harvest flora and fauna surveys that inform the protection measures which comply with, and often exceed, regulatory prescriptions.
VicForests protects unburnt areas of highest priority for a number of threatened species of concern, particularly where these areas may represent a significant proportion of their remaining habitat. Old growth assessments are also completed at every coupe and if identified, excluded from harvesting.
For more information, please watch the below video.
April 2021
VicForests rejects allegations that it has adversely impacted drinking water
21 April 2021
In its report on 20 April 2021, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) made allegations that VicForests has put Melbourne’s drinking water supply at risk by ‘systemic’ unlawful timber harvesting on steep slopes. These allegations are false, misleading and misconceived.
The ABC relied on a report authored by two academics from the Fenner School at the Australian National University (ANU). The ANU report refers to research undertaken in 2019 within the Upper Goulburn catchment area. The Upper Goulburn is not within Melbourne’s water catchment area.
In 2020 the Government regulator, the Office of the Conservation Regulator (OCR), investigated the matters alleged within the ANU report and determined that:
- no systemic and widespread breaches of slope prescriptions had taken place
- there was no evidence of impact on water supply protection area values.
The OCR stated:
“The overall proposition raised by the [ANU] report that there is systemic and widespread breaching of slope prescriptions could not be substantiated. The allegation was found to be based on modelled data and insufficient in-field sampling to be able to make a valid inference.” [Bold emphasis added.]
It follows that, contrary to the ABC’s allegations, VicForests’ operations have in no way affected Melbourne’s drinking water supply.
VicForests notes that there are instances in which harvesting on steep slopes (with more than 30 degree inclines) is permitted by the Code of Practice for Timber Production 2014 and the Management Standards and Procedures for timber harvesting operations in Victoria’s State forests 2014. In such instances any potential environmental impacts, such as potential impacts to water quality, are carefully managed.
VicForests puts in place a range of protections (such as stream buffers) in its harvesting operations for the protection of water quality in accordance with the rigorous regulatory requirements. VicForests works with the OCR in relation to these matters.
All timber harvesting and regeneration operations are conducted in line with Victoria’s strict environmental regulations and the State’s Forest Management Zoning Scheme.
March 2021
VicForests celebrates International Day of Forests
21 March 2021
International Day of Forests is a reminder of the critical role Australia’s forestry industry plays in ensuring forests can continue to benefit the nation’s environment, climate and economy for generations to come.
VicForests plays its part through its work, including its partnership with the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning and Parks Victoria which saw more than 3 tonnes of its eucalypt seed dispersed by helicopter to sew the next generation of native forests which were severely impacted by last summer’s bushfires. Click this link to learn more:
The organisation has now turned its attention to restocking the State’s seed bank, one of the largest in the southern hemisphere.
VicForests are planning to collect more than 1 billion seeds, equivalent to approximately eight tonnes, to build more resilient forests and ensure that they can withstand future catastrophic events.
VicForests, and the Australian forestry industry, has proven time and again that it embodies sustainable forestry, the key to our future.
December 2020
VicForests’ Timber Release Plan and Timber Utilisation Plan approved
15 December 2020
VicForests has today released the amended Timber Release Plan (TRP) and Timber Utilisation Plan (TUP).
The amendments to the TRP include the addition of 261 new coupes, 33 amended coupes and 6 access requirements. 38 coupes were removed. The approved TUP includes 9 new coupes and 1 amended coupe.
VicForests’ Board has approved the amendments to the TRP, in accordance with the requirements of the Sustainable Forests (Timber) Act 2004, a notice in relation to the amended TRP was published in the Victoria Government Gazette S 662 on Monday 14 December 2020.
The Board also approved the amendments to the TUP in alignment with the Management Standards and Procedures for timber harvesting operations in Victoria’s State forests (2014).
The approved plans provide industry with certainty and help communities to understand where timber harvesting may take place.
All timber harvesting and regeneration operations have and will continue to be conducted in accordance with Victoria’s strict environmental regulations and the State’s Forest Management Zoning scheme.
VicForests’ operations are regulated and monitored by Victoria’s Office of the Conservation Regulator, including through the Victorian Government Forest Audit Program. VicForests is committed to complying with or exceeding regulatory controls to ensure the sustainable management of forest areas.
A schedule of the approved timber harvesting areas as well as location maps are available on the VicForests website at approved TRP and approved TUP.
All feedback on the approved TRP and TUP should be directed to
November 2020
VicForests response to recent Monthly magazine article
16 November 2020
A recent article published in the Monthly magazine on 3 November 2020 entitled ‘Coup de grâce’ contained a number of false and unfair claims. VicForests was not given the opportunity to correct these claims as we were not approached for comment despite being named several times throughout this story.
A more balanced article would have made reference to VicForests’ efforts to safeguard the habitat of the Leadbeater’s Possum and the benefits of the extensive protections that have been set by Government including the significant buffers required to protect any tree where a Leadbeater’s Possum is spotted.
The Monthly similarly failed to acknowledge the regeneration work conducted by VicForests on its harvested coupes and in fire-affected areas. Indeed, between May and July this year, VicForests supplied more than 3 tonnes of eucalypt seed to the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, which was then aerially dispersed on areas severely impacted by last summer’s bushfires as part of the Victorian State Government’s State Recovery Plan.
All timber harvesting and regeneration operations have and will continue to be conducted in accordance with Victoria’s strict environmental regulations and the State’s Forest Management Zoning scheme. VicForests’ operations are scrutinised by the Office of the Conservation Regulator and its strict regulatory guidelines ensure the protection of threatened flora and fauna.
October 2020
VicForests response to recent media reports on its 2019 FSC® audit report results
12 October 2020
VicForests is aware of recent media reporting regarding our 2019 FSC® audit report results.
We note that our audit against the FSC® Controlled Wood Standard has found significant and large-scale improvements which help demonstrate VicForests' commitment to achieving conformance to the Standard.
Such changes include our shift to smaller harvesting coupe sizes and improved high conservation value management comprising of a new habitat tree assessment and retention strategy.
The audit team also unanimously commended the following behaviours:
- VicForests staff and contractors demonstrated consistent commitment to positive change and supporting new approaches in efforts to achieve FSC certification. This support of innovation and changing practices was found throughout all levels of the organization.
- Notwithstanding some further refinements that were identified, stakeholder engagement was assessed to be greatly improved compared to prior audits.
- VicForests staff maintained high levels of professional behaviour during the audit despite very stressful circumstances (SCS Global Services Report 2019, p.39).
Against this backdrop, VicForests was found to have complied with the vast majority of the 44 applicable criteria used to assess compliance against the Standard.
In relation to claims made in the media regarding old growth forests, VicForests has worked with the Office of the Conservation Regulator to develop, test, and implement a new Old Growth Regulatory Guide and Old Growth Assessment Tool. This included extensive stakeholder engagement including input from DELWP’s Scientific Advisory Committee to develop a clear framework. This approach is now being applied to all coupes as part of pre-harvest assessment processes.
This is in addition to VicForests already implementing corrective measures for the non-conformances raised in the audit report as these findings were based on outdated harvesting methods.
VicForests maintains its commitment to achieving the FSC® Controlled Wood Standard at an appropriate time.
VicForests update on FSC® Controlled Wood Standard
7 October 2020
Pursuant with our announcement in August, VicForests has today released the FSC® Controlled Wood Standard audit report developed on the basis of fieldwork conducted in November 2019.
Although this work was unable to be completed due to the impacts of coronavirus (COVID-19), remaining challenges arising from last summer’s bushfires and ongoing legal issues, feedback from the auditors has been incorporated into our ongoing improvement processes.
VicForests remains committed to pursuing the FSC® Controlled Wood Standard certification process at an appropriate time.
Please use this link to read our full statement.
Seed funding to grow more timber and Gippsland jobs
2 October 2020
Victoria’s forestry transition will be boosted with the creation of a new VicForests nursery at Nowa Nowa in east Gippsland, helping both local forests and economies recover from the devastating 2019/20 Victorian Bushfires.
Establishment of the $10 million Victorian Forest Nursery will increase the eucalypt seedling supply chain and create up to new 30 jobs, most of which will be ongoing.
Production of eucalypt seedlings will support forestry coupe regeneration, bushfire recovery replanting and Gippsland plantations and farm forestry programs in the coming years.
Media Release: New Nursery to Grow More Timber and Gippsland Jobs
August 2020
VicForests will appeal Court's decision
21 August 2020
VicForests will move quickly to lodge an appeal now the Federal Court has finalised its Orders relating to the Friends of Leadbeater’s Possum case.
The orders made by the Court make it clear that the decision relates only to the small number of forest areas that were the subject of the proceeding. It was based on areas harvested between 2014 and early 2019.
VicForests has now moved to a fundamentally different approach to harvesting that provides even greater protection for threatened species. This is in addition to the government setting aside extensive areas for biodiversity protection at the end of 2019, including 96,000 ha set aside last November as part of its Victorian Forestry plan.
All timber harvesting and regeneration operations have and will continue to be conducted in accordance with Victoria’s strict environmental regulations and the State’s Forest Management Zoning scheme. VicForests’ operations are scrutinised by the Office of the Conservation Regulator and its strict regulatory guidelines ensure the protection of threatened flora and fauna.
VicForests’ postponement of FSC® Controlled Wood Standard
12 August 2020
VicForests has decided to postpone achieving the FSC® Controlled Wood Standard by the end of 2020.
This decision is based off multiple restrictions impeding completing the assessment, including:
- COVID-19 restrictions on international auditors which impacted their ability to complete their in-field coupe assessments to satisfy the fieldwork component of the assessment.
- remaining challenges arising from last summer’s bushfires.
- the legal issues regarding VicForests’ upcoming appeal against the Federal Court decision.
- concerns VicForests will not receive a fair assessment owing to FSC® Australia governance; this includes three directors of FSC® Australia who are leading public activism and advocacy, calling for the complete cessation of native forestry and actively seeking to discredit VicForests.
VicForests remains committed to demonstrating conformance to international standards for forest management certification.
This includes focusing our efforts on consolidating the significant changes that we have made by introducing and implementing adaptive harvest and regeneration management systems and ensuring there is a clear alignment with the current and emerging forest management frameworks.
July 2020
VicForests’ Timber Release Plan Approved
27 July 2020
VicForests has today released the amended Timber Release Plan (TRP) following the completion of its consultation period.
The gazetted plans provide industry with certainty, and helps communities to understand where timber harvesting may take place. The amendment to the TRP includes an additional 59 new coupes in the Benalla-Mansfield, North-East and Tambo Forest Management Areas.
In accordance with the requirements of the Sustainable Forests (Timber) Act 2004, VicForests’ Board approved the change to the Timber Release Plan and the notice of that change was published in the Victoria Government Gazette S373 on 27 July 2020.
VicForests harvests under strict regulation, controlled by the Government’s Code of Practice and Management Standards and Procedures.
To view the schedule of the approved timber harvesting areas and location maps available on the VicForests website, click here.
VicForests' response to Wilderness Society's false and misleading "industry alert"
20 July 2020
We are aware that the Wilderness Society sent an “industry alert” to timber industry stakeholders on 10 July 2020. This document sets out several alleged “high risks of illegality” regarding Victorian supply chains which are false and incorrect.
VicForests can state categorically that it complies with the legislative and regulatory regime for timber harvesting in Victoria. Reports to the contrary are incorrect and misleading and VicForests welcomes the opportunity to work with processors to undertake due diligence in accordance with the Illegal Logging Prohibition Act and applicable regulations, prior to processing timber supplied by VicForests.
Please use the below link to read the alert that VicForests sent to industry stakeholders in order to help correct several erroneous statements made by the Wilderness Society.”
Extension to invitation to comment on VicForests’ proposed changes to VicForests’ Timber Release Plan
14 July 2020
VicForests has extended its feedback period on the proposed changes to its Timber Release Plan (TRP). This follows some difficulties experienced by stakeholders opening web links to online information.
The public consultation period has been extended until 5pm Tuesday 21 July 2020 to enable comment on the proposed TRP change by affected and interested parties and stakeholders.
The amendment to the TRP proposes an additional 59 new coupes in the Benalla-Mansfield, North-East and Tambo Forest Management Areas. Feedback on these changes and the new format of the TRP is sought in accordance with the Sustainable Forests (Timber) Act 2004 and will be considered prior to the reviewed TRP being submitted to the VicForests Board for approval.
A schedule of the proposed TRP change, including an interactive map, is available here.
Stakeholders are invited to submit their feedback to
Format change to the VicForests Timber Release Plan
6 July 2020
VicForests has made format changes to the VicForests Timber Release Plan (TRP). There are no additions, deletions or alterations to coupes, nor changes to the spatial information relating to the last approved TRP change in December 2019 and continue to be available on VicForests’ website.
The reason for this format change is to align the content and information contained within the Timber Release Plan with section 38 of the Sustainable Forests (Timber) Act 2004 (SFTA).
Please note, the public consultation on the proposed amendment to the TRP is ongoing until 5pm on 10 July and is separate to this change.
- View the approved format change here.
- VicForests will continue to accept comment on the proposed additional 59 new coupes in the Benalla-Mansfield, North-East and Tambo Forest Management Areas until 10 July 2020, please see here.
Bunnings' decision will cost Victorian jobs and hurt families
1 July 2020
VicForests is disappointed and deeply concerned by Bunnings’ decision yesterday to no longer stock sustainably sourced Victorian timber from VicForests.
This decision has put up to 170 regional jobs in jeopardy, many of which had already been impacted by this summer’s disastrous bushfires, Coronavirus (COVID-19) and illegal protest action.
Click the below link to continue reading.
June 2020
Call for input on proposed Timber Release Plan changes
29 June 2020
VicForests has commenced public consultation on proposed changes to its Timber Release Plan in response to the 2019/20 bushfire season.
The proposed TRP covers 59 coupes that VicForests is considering harvesting under strict controls in the Benalla-Mansfield, North-East and Tambo Forest Management Areas (FMAs), excluding the East Gippsland FMA.
VicForests is conducting its public consultation process until 10 July 2020 to ensure suitable input and comment from interested parties, including the community.
Click the below link to continue reading.
VicForests Paper: Response to IUCN Listing of Mountain Ash
10 June 2020
The Mountain Ash forest ecosystem in the Central Highlands of Victoria is listed on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s Red List of Ecosystems and is categorised as critically endangered. This listing is based on an ecological assessment conducted in 2014.
Since that study was published, VicForests has introduced and implemented a range of changes to its forest management systems to improve the protection of high conservation values. This paper responds to the listing and the assessment, and outlines VicForests’ current approach to harvesting.
May 2020
Response to Federal Court decision
27 May 2020
VicForests acknowledges today’s decision of the Federal Court and will carefully consider the implications on its harvesting program.
We note that extensive areas for biodiversity protection have been set aside at the end of 2019 for protection, including 96,000ha set aside last November when the Government developed its Victorian Forestry plan. In addition, a new Greater Glider Action Statement is in place under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 and is being fully implemented by VicForests.
VicForests harvests 2500-3000 hectares each year, about 0.04%, of the entire public native forests in Victoria – nominally equivalent to 4 trees in the 10,000. About 94% of Victorian native forests are in protected areas that cannot be harvested or are unsuitable.
April 2020
VicForests on Bushfire Recovery Timber Harvesting
28 April 2020
The 2019-20 bushfires affected 1.6 million hectares across Victoria, mostly in the East Gippsland and the North East areas.
VicForests has developed a bushfire recovery timber harvesting program and sustainably harvest a very small part of burnt areas.
This allows VicForests to harvest severely fire-affected timber before it becomes unsuitable for processing by our customers.
VicForests will harvest up to 3,500 hectares over several years in areas already allocated to it for harvesting in the fire-affected 1.6 million hectares – equivalent to 2-3 trees out of 1000.
Bushfire recovery timber harvesting documents are available here.
VicForests accepts Forest Stewardship Council's advice that it is not currently eligible for membership
16 April 2020
The Forest Stewardship Council of Australia recently advised VicForests that it cannot currently be a member until it is FSC certified.
The Council has stated that it will welcome an application from VicForests when it could satisfy the current membership requirement and has strongly urged VicForests to continue its pursuit of the Controlled Wood Standard.
The Council’s advice does not affect our commitment to achieving the FSC’s Controlled Wood Standard and has not been influenced by the current continuing audit process.
The Controlled Wood Standard is considered by VicForests to be an important step in achieving full forest certification through FSC.
We will consider the FSC's invitation to seek membership if we become eligible.
VicForests is already certified by the Responsible Wood Standard which is the largest such system in the world, and it has maintained this status since 2007.
For more information on VicForests certification and compliance processes, please click the below link.
March 2020
VicForests rejects Wilderness Society claims
27 March 2020
VicForests completely rejects claims made online by The Wilderness Society, headed “Illegal Logging in Australia – Are You Buying into It”.
Contrary to inferences in the article, paper that Australians are printing on is not sourced from illegally harvested wood in Victoria.
Stopping native forest logging to fight fire doesn't stack up - The Mercury
27 March 2020
"Research shows no discernible impact of harvesting on fire severity," says Melbourne University Bushfire Ecologist Associate Professor Kevin Tolhurst.
Newspaper gets it wrong: VicForests strongly rejects 'illegal logging' claim
20 March 2020
A story in Melbourne's The Age newspaper this week that "Victoria's state-owned logging company doesn't comply with Australian requirements designed to stop illegal logging ..." has been roundly denounced in this article from Timber and Forestry News.
Supreme Court Injunction Decision
5 March 2020
VicForests is assessing today’s Supreme Court decision. We will consider the outcome of the proceedings and make further comment in due course.
February 2020
VicForests reiterates its Zero Harm Hazard Alert
13 February 2020
There have been increasing incidents of forest protestors entering coupes without prior authorisation and notice, and encroaching on areas where mechanical harvesters are felling trees.
VicForests would like to reiterate that active coupes are dangerous environments – posing a significant risk of serious injury or death, and that these incursions also create an unacceptable workplace risk to machine operators.
VicForests asks for all protestors to adhere to Timber Harvesting Safety Zones and, in the strongest possible terms, urges anyone entering an active coupe to notify safety officers at the coupe landing.
ABC corrects wrong claim of illegal harvesting
10 February 2020
The ABC has corrected its report on 19 December 2019 claiming that VicForests had illegally harvested outside its Allocations Order.
The ABC amended the article and stated: “Editor’s note: This story has been edited to clarify that no formal finding of illegality has been made.”
VicForests had complained to the ABC about the article after it was published.
VicForests made its complaint after a similar earlier incident in a 2018 story, in which the ABC also incorrectly claimed VicForests had harvested illegally.
On that occasion, the Audience and Consumer Affairs Investigations Manager said the ABC accepted that the relevant online story: “stated incorrectly that ‘An ABC investigation recently found VicForests had illegally logged some areas because it was operating outside of its allocation’.” This claim was corrected some months after the complaint.
VicForests has submitted to the ABC that it has not upheld its own Editorial Standards 2.1 and 2.2:
2.1 Make reasonable efforts to ensure that material facts are accurate and presented in context.
2.2 Do no present factual content in a way that will materially mislead the audience. In some cases, this may require appropriate labels or other explanatory information.
VicForests reiterates that it is confident that all its current harvesting operations are consistent with the Allocation Order and that it takes its responsibility to harvest native timber seriously.
VicForests will back its contractors - CEO
7 February 2020
VicForests’ CEO Monique Dawson has committed to the continued support of 10 contractors and 90 workers who have been impacted by a force majeure notice because fires have meant timber supply cannot be guaranteed in the foreseeable future from East Gippsland.
VicForests releases its bushfire response
7 February 2020
The VicForests Board of Directors has endorsed a statement about the way VicForests will respond to the implications of the 2019/20 bushfires in Eastern Victoria.
Private plantation koala deaths - VicForests responds
6 February 2020
VicForests stresses that it has no connection to the operation where koalas were tragically killed at a private property in the southwest of Victoria recently.
VicForests would also like to address an instance of the death of one koala two-and-a-half-years ago in a VicForests coupe (Mont Blanc – 309-507-0001).
January 2020
VicForests response to The Age article 'While Victoria's forests burnt, logging continued'
17 January 2020
VicForests has not conducted any timber harvesting operations in East Gippsland since 20 December 2019.
All available VicForests foresters, planners and harvest crews, are involved in, and in many cases leading, local fire response. This includes direct firefighting, firebreak works and managing emergency road clearance.
VicForests is balancing its significant contribution to the fire response with the need to ensure sufficient timber supply to avoid processor shutdowns as this would deepen the impact on towns already affected by the fires.
VicForests operates in accordance with Forests (Fire Protection) Regulations and procedures that are more rigorous that Total Fire Ban restrictions.
Around 20% of the timber felled through harvesting is left as biomass to support forest regeneration.
VicForests responds to Victorian fires
7 January 2020
VicForests staff and contractors are supporting the fire response and state-wide recovery efforts currently underway across the east and north-east parts of Victoria.
December 2019
VicForests' TRP and TUP Approved
24 December 2019
VicForests has today released the amended Timber Release Plan (TRP) and Timber Utilisation Plan (TUP) following the completion of its consultation period.
VicForests' Success with Responsible Wood
20 December 2019
VicForests today announced its successful nine-month Responsible Wood Standard audit.
VicForests response to the ABC regarding a news item making inaccurate allegations about our harvesting activity
19 December 2019
The following comments from VicForests CEO Monique Dawson were provided to the ABC:
“It is normal for the TRP to include some coupes or areas outside the Allocation Order. VicForests cannot harvest these areas without prior special approval from the regulator.
Typically, areas beyond the AO include road accesses, regenerating coupes from previous TRPs, and sometimes a part of a coupe whose boundary follows natural features that fall outside of the AO.
VicForests does not harvest without appropriate approvals, and when an area is recognised to be outside the Allocation Order we have always sought and received required permissions from the regulator or the Minister before harvesting.
The ABC claims have focused on a coupe called Squirrel’s Paw.
The current, more detailed, Allocation Order 2019 has clarified and confirmed that Squirrel’s Paw is within the harvesting area. This is consistent with VicForests’ view that Squirrel’s Paw was within the harvestable area when it was harvested.
VicForests is confident all its current harvesting operations are consistent with the Allocation Order.”
VicForests seeks community input on updates to its proposed TRP and TUP
22 November 2019
VicForests has started public consultation on draft Timber Release Plan and Timber Utilisation Plan amendments.
Stakeholder feedback on proposed harvest areas is an important part of VicForests’ planning process.
VicForests Strongly Rejects Allegations About Harvesting On Slopes
20 November 2019
VicForests today said that its harvesting in water catchment areas complies with relevant regulations, including complying with slope limits.
VicForests Strongly Rejects Allegations About Harvesting On Slopes (Media Release)
Listening and Supporting Victoria's Timber Industry Now Until 2030 and Beyond
14 November 2019
VicForests has met face to face with around 50 Victorian timber businesses since the Victorian government announced its plan to transition out of native timber after 2030.
Listening and Supporting Victoria's Timber Industry Now Until 2030 and Beyond (Media Release)
VicForests to support native timber sector transformation
7 November 2019
The Victorian Government's decade-long plan to end harvesting of native timber will drive VicForests to transform its business and support diversification and innovation in the native timber sector.
VicForests to Support Native Timber Sector Transformation (Media Release)
VicForests Annual Report 2019
18 October 2019
Over the year VicForests delivered a strong financial result with a net profit of $1.953 million for 2018-19, the strongest return in three years
MAY 2019
VicForests seeks resolution to tree protest
16 May 2019
VicForests has written to Forest Conservation Victoria representative, Christine Schuringa seeking a meeting to resolve the 11-day tree protest at its Martell coupe, Mt Baw Baw road, Noojee.
VicForests notes a conflict of views regarding harvesting operations within the coupe. By discussing the issues in detail with Forest Conservation Victoria we seek a resolution to end the protest.
VicForests is concerned about the sustained and heavy impact the protest, and halting of work, has had on the local contractor undertaking work in the coupe.
VicForests transforming harvest and species protection systems
7 May 2019
VicForests has completed the key first consultation phase of a revision of its harvesting methods and practices to enhance threatened species protection.
The consultative process has benefitted from input from major stakeholders, including industry, environment groups and Government.
More than 100 stakeholder organisations have been directly contacted by VicForests.
The extensive consultation is part of VicForests goal of attaining the Forest Stewardship Council® Controlled Wood standard by 2020.
Ground-breaking research find new Leadbeater's possum areas
6 May 2019
New published research has found Victoria’s Leadbeater’s possums living beyond the areas and mix of tree species so far considered their limited habitat.
VicForests and Ecology and Heritage Partners have located six new Leadbeater’s possum colonies in the Central Highlands.
APRIL 2019
VicForests releases Timber Release Plan
24 April 2019
VicForests has today released the Timber Release Plan (TRP) amendment following the Victorian Government’s release of the Allocation Order.
VicForests Chief Executive Officer Nathan Trushell said the TRP provides detail on which coupes will potentially be harvested - subject to forest protection surveys, operational assessment and stakeholder consultation.
MARCH 2019
VicForests Celebrates Victorian Forests on World Forest Day
21 March 2019
Victorian forests are vital for the economic, social and environmental future of our state. They support thousands of jobs across Victoria in the native timber, processing and manufacturing industries, provide beautiful locally grown and sourced materials for buildings and furniture and are a vital ecosystem protecting and fostering local biodiversity.
This World Forests Day, VicForests acknowledges and celebrates the important role of forests in our society.
VicForests continues to provide important education and community support activities across Victoria, highlighting Victorian forests' contribution and their place as the ultimate renewable resource.
There is 7.1 million hectares of public forests across Victoria with 94 per cent protected in parks, reserves or unsuitable for native timber harvesting.
VicForests is a state-owned business that takes a science-based approach to harvesting timber, undertaking this task on a sustainable cycle, allowing regrowth of 50 to 100 years, and operating under rigorous Government regulation and independent scrutiny.
Read more about VicForests, our activities and how we support positive forest management here.
Responsible Wood Recertification Backs VicForests
7 February 2019
VicForests has announced its successful 3-year re-certification under the Responsible Wood standard.
An audit was conducted across the business in December 2018 and recommended VicForests re-certification highlighting its thorough workplace and contractor safety standards, contractor management and continued contribution to research.
The Responsible Wood standard is endorsed by the international Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) – the largest such system in the world which covers more than 300 million hectares of forest, has 49 national members and equates to around two-thirds of the world's total certified forest area.
VicForests Supports Quilting for Those In Need
29 January 2019
VicForests is supporting Patchwork Collections Yarra Valley Inc. with a $2000 contribution toward the purchase of backing fabric, wadding and threads.
The grant, delivered under VicForests’ Community Support Program, ensures Patchwork Collections Yarra Valley can continue their vital work providing quilts to those in need.
Since 2010, Patchwork Collections Yarra Valley has provided hand-made quilts, free of charge, to local community members impacted by hardship, illness and given to very sick children at the Royal Children’s Hospital.
Deloitte Access Economics Study Provides Insight into Economic Impact of Native Timber Industry
30 November 2018
VicForests, today, released a study by Deloitte Access Economics showing the economic impact of native forestry in Victoria.
Commissioned by VicForests, The Economic Impact of VicForests on the Victorian Community found the native timber industry generates significant revenues and supports thousands of jobs across regional Victoria.
The study found VicForests, its customers and contractors generated $770 million in revenue during 2015/16 and supported over 2500 jobs, many which are in regional areas.
VicForests Response to ABC Claims of Illegal Harvesting
21 November 2018
VicForests refutes claims made by ABC regarding illegal harvesting.
The ABC have based their story on a narrow interpretation of the Sustainable Forests (Timber) Act 2004. Under the Act, VicForests must comply with the terms and information described in the Allocation Order as gazetted.
VicForests is confident its operations are consistent with the Allocation Order including the forest zoning scheme.
Investing in Local Communities: VicForests Community Support Program 2018
29 October 2018
VicForests announced 34 community groups and organisations across Central and East Victoria would receive funding under the VicForests Community Support Program 2018.
The program supports local community groups and organisations with grants of up to $2000 to undertake projects which increase community connectedness or community development.
VicForests Receives Strong Endorsement from Responsible Wood Audit
22 October 2018
VicForests released the results of its May 2018 Australian Forestry Standard (AFS) Surveillance Audit report for Responsible Wood certification.
The audit endorsed VicForests’ strong management practices and found the organisation conformed across all AFS indicators.
VicForests Sets Out Roadmap FSC® Controlled Wood
5 October 2018
VicForests, today, released the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) audit report (May 2018) and reaffirmed its commitment to pursuing certification of FSC® Controlled Wood standard.
In conjunction with the results, VicForests released its FSC® 2020: VicForests Controlled Wood Roadmap outlining the steps for VicForests to achieve its goal and address non-conformities raised in the audit.
VicForests will resubmit for certification of FSC® Controlled Wood standard by 2020.
VicForests Trailblazer Awarded Forestry Medal for Distinguished Service
7 September 2018
VicForests is celebrating the announcement of its General Manager of Strategy and Business Development, Anne Geary, as the winner of the Institute of Foresters of Australia’s NW Jolly Medal for 2018.
The NW Jolly Medal is the forestry profession’s highest and most prestigious award and recognises outstanding service and dedication to the profession of forestry across the nation.
Calling for Applications to VicForests’ Community Support Program
4 September 2018
Applications are now open for VicForests’ Community Support Program 2018.
VicForests’ Community Support Program provides grants and funding of up to $2000 to not-for-profit organisations and community groups which encourage community connectedness and community development.
Victorian Environmental Assessment Council’s Central West Investigation Draft Proposals Paper
31st August 2018
VicForests welcomes the release of the Victorian Environmental Assessment Council’s (VEAC) Central West Investigation Draft Proposals Paper.
The VEAC report provides an important opportunity for public debate around the conservation, use and sustainability of public forests and reserves in central west Victoria.
Through its Community Forestry program, VicForests undertakes operations in many areas reviewed by the VEAC investigation including Mount Cole, Mount Lonarch, The Wombat and Wellsford State forests and the Pyrenees ranges.
JULY 2018
VicForests responds to misleading claims
31st July 2018
A media story has been prominent in the last two days alleging VicForests admitted a research project it is undertaking in East Gippsland may cause the death of Greater Gliders.
These claims are misleading. It’s important to clearly state some facts:
The words in the email referred to in the story were written a year ago and had nothing to do with the current research project.
VicForests apologises to the many interested parties who found the story distressing.
VicForests will continue to operate in a safe, efficient and sustainable manner, balancing needs of the environment, our staff and rural communities whose livelihood depends on a successful forestry industry.
This information may assist in providing some facts around the current story. read more
NAIDOC week statement
VicForests would like to take the opportunity during NAIDOC week to reflect, acknowledge and respect the long-held forest based cultural and spiritual connections that Aboriginal people have. These connections are significant, current and respected. Aboriginal people developed and implemented land management techniques and fire regimes over millennia which shaped the forests that Australians know, love and value.
Aboriginal people are a part of the forest and timber industries and we encourage this going forward.
With respect to this year’s NAIDOC week, ‘Because of Her, We Can!’ we would particularly like to acknowledge Aboriginal women and their connections to forests and community. As well we’ve recently met with female Traditional Owners from the East Gippsland region and we would like to take this opportunity to once again thank them for their generosity during these meetings.
Finally, we wish Aboriginal communities an enjoyable NAIDOC week.
JUNE 2018
VicForests releases social impact scoping study summary to the Mirboo North community
5th June 2018
VicForests today released to the Mirboo North community a social impact scoping summary report that assessed concerns and support around plans to harvest coupes near the town.
VicForests’ General Manager, Corporate Affairs, Alex Messina, said he has released the report to give stakeholders, including the Preserve our Forests Steering Committee, the community and Local Government a summary of feedback provided to VicForests during interviews in August 2017.
VicForests releases social impact scoping study summary to the Noojee community
5th June 2018
VicForests today released to the Noojee community a social impact scoping summary report conducted last August that assessed concerns around plans to harvest coupes near the town.
VicForests’ General Manager, Corporate Affairs, Alex Messina, said he has released the report because it will give stakeholders including local residents and the Baw Baw Shire Council a summary of the feedback provided to VicForests during the interviews in August 2017.
MAY 2018
Media Statement following hearing in Federal Court
10 May 2018
The Federal Court today continued an injunction brought against VicForests by the Friends of Leadbeater’s Possum (FLBP), preventing VicForests from harvesting timber in five coupes in the Central Highlands and West Gippsland.
The application for an injunction was submitted by FLBP, as part of the Amended Statement of Claim; a follow-on of the original case brought against VicForests in March regarding the Federal Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act exemption.
Related story: Federal Court grants interim injunction
Related Story: Friends of Leadbeater's submit new claim
Quoll Sighting
9 May 2018
A Spot-tailed quoll was recently sighted in the Erica State Forest.
Spot-tailed quolls are rare; they are listed as Threatened under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 and Vulnerable under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC)
Please see attached Media Release
APRIL 2018
VicForests releases Noojee coupe map
27 April 2018
VicForests today released pre-harvest maps of a Noojee timber coupe indicating that total protected and buffered areas comprise 13 hectares, or nearly one quarter (24%), of the gross coupe area.
This area includes about 7ha of additional voluntary visual buffers in response to community preferences to screen the “Backdoor” coupe from the centre of the township.
The Noojee coupe plan is available on request.
Federal Court grants interim injunction
24 April 2018
VicForests will defend an application for an injunction brought by the Friends of Leadbeaters Possum Inc (FLBP).
The court today granted an interim injunction regarding six coupes until 2 May, 2018, when the Court will hear arguments about whether a final injunction will be imposed.
VicForests urges continued discussion with Mirboo North
5 April 2018
VicForests said today that it respected the sentiments of South Gippsland Shire Council, which voted against native timber harvesting in Mirboo North.
“We urge the Council and the community to continue talking with us,” Alex Messina, VicForests General Manager Corporate Affairs said.
MARCH 2018
VicForests sets strict conservation at Noojee Backdoor coupe
29 March 2018
VicForests announced today that it would retain habitat areas around about 20 habitat trees identified through field assessments and three night surveys of the Noojee Backdoor coupe, scheduled for harvesting towards the end of April.
Alex Messina, VicForests General Manager Corporate Affairs said “This is part of a routine and thorough pre-harvest process designed to double check and update desktop data before any harvest.
Regional Forest Agreements Extended
27 March 2018
The Federal and State Government has confirmed that the North East, Central Highlands and East Gippsland Regional Forest Agreements in Victoria will be extended to March 2020.
This provides certainty for our customers and contractors while a more extensive review by State and Federal Governments is undertaken.
Please see attached media releases issued by State and Federal Government.
Federal Media Release -
State Media Release -
VicForests Incorporates community feedback
20 March 2018
After listening to the Noojee community VicForests has confirmed it will implement a 100 metre wide buffer on a timber harvesting coupe nearby to ensure the area will not be visible from the centre of town.
This buffer, which is an extension to the existing environmental buffers, was confirmed at an Open Day VicForests hosted in Noojee on Sunday 18 March.
Federal Court Rejects Friends of Leadbeater's Possum Claim
5 March 2018
VicForests is pleased that the Federal Court today rejected the argument brought against it by the Friends of Leadbeater’s Possum.
The Court found that VicForests’ operations in the Central Highlands were not affected by government delays in reviewing the Central Highlands Regional Forest Agreement.
VicForests Supports Regional Communities
23 February 2018
The Rubicon State forest has been a vital resource in supplying quality timber products to Victorians and supporting the regional economy for more than 100 years.
The Rubicon sits within the Central Highlands Regional Forest Area which generates more than $500 million dollars and directly employs more than 2 000 people every year.
Media Statement responding to Strathbogie State forest protest
15 February 2018
Protestors are blocking the road leading into the Strathbogie State forest in order to stop timber harvesting operations from commencing.
Arthur Rylah Institute has conducted surveys in this area and our Conservation Biologist individually markied trees to ensure best available habitat is protected for the Greater Glider.
Stakeholder Update: Protest in East Gippsland
1 February 2018
A group of protestors stationed themselves at a live harvesting site in far East Gippsland putting themselves, and the workers, at risk and caused timber harvesting operations to be suspended.
The protestors have now been escorted from the area by authorised officers and operations can safely recommence.
Neerim Frog Festival Celebrates Rejuvenated Wetlands
24 January 2017
The Neerim South Wetlands played host to the 2017 Neerim Frog Festival, celebrating a decade-long rehabilitation of the wetlands by Neerim District Landcare group.
Following a ‘pilot’ festival last year supported by VicForests, this year’s Neerim Frog Festival attracted more support, activities and attendees, who came out to see, and appreciate, Landcare’s work on the wetlands.
Responsible Wood Production in Victoria - premiers on 7MATE
5 January 2018
The crew from 7MATE’s Going Bush recently joined VicForests, and a team of auditors, to learn how native timber harvesting operations are certified in Victoria.
Forest certification is important to VicForests because it provides reassurance from third-party experts that their operations comply with internationally recognised environmental standards.
VicForests is seeking community input into its proposed Timber Release Plan
13 December 2017
Consultation period runs from 4 December 2017 to 12 January 2018
VicForests is seeking input from local community members on the proposed updates to its Timber Release Plan, relating to timber harvesting operations in North East Victoria, West Gippsland and East Gippsland regions.
Listening to the community ensures that we are aware of what is important to them, so that we can incorporate these things into our plans. (More.)
Baw Baw Combined Churches Food Relief helps people in need
13 December 2017
A $2,000 investment in Warragul-based charity, Baw Baw Combined Churches Food Relief, will go towards helping more than 700 families within the Baw Baw Shire access emergency food supplies.
The grant was provided by VicForests, as part of its Community Support Program, and will go towards the operational costs of the volunteer-run organisation, which relies on donations and contributions to continue providing its vital services to those in need. (More.)
Small scale timber harvesting in the Strathbogies
8 December 2017
A low intensity timber harvesting operation will commence in the Strathbogies State forest in January 2018.
VicForests’ General Manager Stakeholders and Planning, Lachlan Spencer, said the operation will use the single-tree selection harvesting method. (More).
Community Arts, Crafts and Photography Expo recognises Cann River artistic skills
29 November 2017
Cann River Community Centre this year awarded two prizes worth $250 each as part of its 2017 Arts, Crafts and Photography Expo thanks to VicForests’ Community Support Program contributions.
The Expo, running from 3 to 7 November, had 189 entries from 61 artists, which showcased the artistic skills of the local community with a wide range of art forms represented, including quilting, painting, photography, drawing, soft textiles, woodwork and mixed media. (More)
VicForests FSC® Stakeholder Consultation
21 November 2017
VicForests has commenced a stakeholder consultation phase to encourage relevent stakeholders to comment on our expertise in, and execution of, forestry management practices as journey towards our goal of seeking Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) Controlled Wood (CW) certification for our operations in the regions of Central Highlands and East Gippsland. (More).
Click here to read more about our plans to seek FSC®
VicForests Operations Compliant
15 November 2017
An environmental group has issued legal proceedings regarding VicForests operations under the Central Highlands Regional Forest Agreements (RFAs).
Nathan Trushell, VicForests CEO, said VicForests believes its operations are in accordance with the Central Highlands RFA. (More).
VicForests Media Statement regarding Parliamentary Inquiry Report
1 November 2017
VicForests Media Statement regarding tabling of Parliamentary Inquiry Report. (More).
VicForests Media Statement regarding harvesting delay East Gippsland
1 November 2017
VicForests Media Statement regarding harvesting delay in Princess Cut, East Gippsland. (More).
VicForests reports positive operating result
19 October 2017
VicForests has achieved a positive profit from operations before tax of $1.5 million in 2016/17, highlighting the continued demand for native timber in Victoria. This is a good result considering the operational challenges we have faced. The company’s result after tax was a loss of $3.2 million, due to a decrease in the accounting valuation of the area of State forest available to be harvested for timber. (More)
Media Statement responding to Murrindindi
10 October 2017
VicForests Media Statement responding to Murrindindi Shire statement calling for an end to timber harvesting in the Shire 9/10/2017 (More).
Letter to The Age
19 September 2017
VicForests letter to the editor sent to The Age titled ‘The root causes’ printed 20/09/2017 (More).
Stakeholder Update – Heyfield Mill Announcement
15 September 2017
The Victorian Government announced this morning that the purchase of the Heyfield Mill has been finanlised.
VicForests welcomes this announcement as it it a very positive outcome for the Victorian timber industry and the Heyfield community with clarity around the future arrangements for the mill. (More)
Media Statement following Mirboo North meeting
15 September 2017
VicForests Media Statement released following a town hall meeting VicForests attended on 14/9/2017 (More).
VicForests welcomes community input
14 September 2017
VicForests attended a community meeting in Mirboo North on Thursday 14 September to speak to local residents about planned operations in the area.
Lachlan Spencer, VicForests General Manager Stakeholders and Planning said that VicForests openly encourages input from the public into its operations. (More).
Media Statement responding to ANU report
8 September 2017
VicForests Media Statement responding to ANU report on economic contribution of timber in the Central highlands released 5/9/2017 (More).
Media Statement responding to community in Mirboo North
8 September 2017
VicForests Media Statement responding to the community in Mirboo North 8/9/2017. (More).
Media Statement responding to Friends of the Earth report
7 September 2017
VicForests Media Statement responding to Frinds of the Earth report released on 7/9/2017 (More).
Media Statement responding to The Guardian
6 September 2017
VicForests Media Statement sent to The Guardian in relation to the article ‘Greater gliders: fears of 'catastrophic' consequences from logging in Victoria’ posted online 7/9/2017 (More).
VicForests appoints new CEO
3 August 2017
Nathan Trushell has been appointed as the new Chief Executive of VicForests following a successful period of acting CEO.
VicForests’ Board Chair, Michael Humphris, said Mr Trushell brings a wealth of experience in the Victorian native timber industry. (More)
JULY 2017
VicForests 2017 Resource Outlook
11 July 2017
VicForests has released its 2017 Resource Outlook which forecasts the amount of high quality timber that can be commercially supplied from State forests in eastern Victoria on a sustainable basis.
Nathan Trushell, Acting CEO VicForests said the Resource Outlook is developed using a range of systems and processes. (More)
Regrowing Victoria’s State forests
10 July 2017
Every year hundreds of millions of eucalyptus seeds are spread across Victoria’s State forests.
The seeds are used to regrow areas that have been harvested to supply wood to Victoria’s timber industry. Helicopters aerially spread seeds over larger areas and smaller areas are sown by hand.
JUNE 2017
VicForests Community Support Program open for applications
5 June 2017
VicForests is inviting not for profit community groups and services to apply for a grant as part of its 2017 Community Support Program before the deadline of Friday 16 June 2017.
The Community Support Program has been designed by VicForests to assist regional community groups and services who are working to positively contribute to their local area.