Supplying Our Industry
The desire for high quality, beautiful furniture and flooring made from Victorian Mountain Ash is one of the factors that drive the native forest industry in Victoria and wider Australia.
In addition to this, much of the timber that is harvested from Victorian forests will end up in the structure of our homes. Window frames, door frames and roofing structures are all made from hard wood products, such as those sourced from our native forests.
It’s a well-known fact that trees absorb carbon from the atmosphere while they are growing and alive, however did you know that the carbon absorbed by the tree while it was growing, is stored in the timber forever.
The carbon remains locked up in the wood for the life of the product. Even paper that is taken to landfill can retain the carbon within it until it rots (sometimes up to 50 years).
Native forestry in Victoria is a sustainable industry making use of a renewal, desirable product. Every area harvested by VicForests is nurtured and regrown by our regeneration foresters and then left to continue to grow and to be enjoyed by the Victorian public and visitors to our forests.