How we sell wood
VicForests engages contractors to harvest and deliver logs to our customers' ‘mill door'. All sales contracts are developed using a delivered price that incorporates harvest and haulage costs.
Logs may be sold based on their measured volume or by weight. Logs are assessed for quality and classified according to our log grading procedure.
Timber may be allocated through a range of open and competitive sales processes. These include Auctions, Exressions of Interest (EOI) and Requests for Proposals (RFP).
In order to participate in a Sales Event, proponents must meet VicForests' eligibility criteria which may include the following:
- Sawlogs will be processed in Australia
- All buyers adhere to OH&S standards
- All buyers accept VicForests terms and conditions for timber sales and the applicable process rules (attached below)
- All buyers must be registered business entities
- All buyers are assessed to ensure their financial viability.
Information on any current sales events is available by clicking here
Secondary Sales Market
VicForests' customers are able to assign contracts or part-contracts to other mills, provided the new mill satisfies all of our requirements. The standard Mill Door Sales terms and conditions are attached below for the information of potential assignees.
Mill Door Sales Timber Sale Agreement terms and conditions