VicForests 2016 Year in Review
VicForests would like to thank everyone who supported us throughout 2016 and would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a safe and prosperous New Year.
Please see below a short video detailing some of our key achievements for the 2016 year.
Nathan Trushell Acting CEO takes you through some of the key achievements throughout the 2016 Year.
Some of VicForests highlights from the year include:
- VicForests continues to be the largest supplier of naturally grown hardwood sawlog in Australia with the company suppling its customers almost 1.4 million cubic meters across Victoria in 2016.
- We delivered a net profit after tax of $3.5Million and provided a $1.5Million dividend to the Victorian Government.
- Along with a number of other organisations, VicForests continues to play a lead role in the recovery of the critically endangered Leadbeaters Possum.
- The Hollow Development project has shown that 16 out of 18 sites where hollows were developed are now occupied by Leadbeater’s Possum.
- Other VicForests pre-harvest surveys have resulted in the protection of many threatened species over the past year including; Long-footed Potoroos, Greater Gliders, Yellow Bellied Gliders, Owls, Crayfish and the rare and elusive Spot-tailed Quolls.
- In March 2016 VicForests reached a period of 12 consecutive months with time lost to injuries.
- Also during this period there was a 50% reduction in contractor lost time injuries.
- These outcomes show, our goal of zero harm for all our staff and contactors is a realistic and achievable target.
- A study released by Deloitte Access Economics showed that VicForests' operations in the Central Highlands region alone generates $573 million of economic activity annually and creates employment for 2,117 full time workers.