Stakeholder Update Two - October 2016
Harvesting delayed in Strathbogies
The timber harvesting operation planned on Lima East Rd in the Strathbogie State forest has been postponed until further notice due to wet weather.
No tree felling has commenced on the site with significant rain over the past four to six weeks delaying the start of harvesting.
This rain has resulted in the operation being postponed and the contractor has relocated to an alternative site outside the Strathbogie area.
No future date has been set for the commencement of harvesting operations on the Parlours Creek (Lima East Rd) site but information will be shared with the community once more details are known.
VicForests acknowledges some community members raised concerns about the way they were notified of the previous planned start date for operations in Lima East Rd in September.
We are happy to receive any feedback regarding the best way to share information about future harvesting plans including suggestions from community members on how they would like to be contacted.