The View - May 2017
Report on the Future of Fibre and Wood Supply
The Victorian Environmental Assessment Council (VEAC) report on the future of fibre and wood supply in Victoria’s State forest is in line with VicForests’ initial assessment.
The report concluded that VicForests approach to determining future supply, using industry-standard models, was both reasonable and sound.
The report acknowledges new Leadbeater’s Possum colonies and bushfire disturbance as the major reasons for decline in available Ash sawlog.
The assessment also recognised that the process for modelling future resource is intrinsically complex.
We are working to make information about our resource modelling as easy for the public to understand as possible.
Click here to read the full report.
East Gippsland Field Days
VicForests was once again the proud sponsor of the woodchop at this year's East Gippsland Field Days in Barinsdale on 28-29 April 2017.
This year’s event hosted a record number of exhibitors with the sell-out of sites bringing a range of new people to the event and the region.
The timber industry is a key part of the economy in East Gippsland and VicForests understand the importance of supporting the local communities that rely on the timber industry.
The East Gippsland Field days is one of the many events VicForests supports each year in addition to other sponsorships to local community groups around the State and the invitation to apply to our Community Support Program.
Click here to read more about how VicForests supports communities.
Horsham Kindergarten steps
A VicForests Community Support grant has provided a Horsham kindergarten with the means to install new steps.
Horsham’s Green Park Kindergarten received $800 from VicForests last year, as part of the Community Support Program and decided to use it to build new timber steps to complement the nature-based playground and sensory garden.
The steps were built from sustainably-sourced red gum from the south of Horsham.
AFPA call for review on Leadbeater’s Possum status
Source (AFPA)
The Australian Forest Products Association (AFPA) has submitted a nomination to the Federal Government for a review of the status of the Victorian Leadbeater’s Possum, as new evidence shows it is more numerous and occupies a wider habitat range than previously understood.
Click here to read the full media release
Click here to read more about the Leadbeater's Possum
IFA Sustainable Forest Management Breakfast
The Institute of Foresters of Australia is hosting a breakfast forum on Wednesday 24 May to discuss Sustainable forest management in 2017.
VicForests Acting CEO Nathan Trushell will be presenting at this event along with Lee Miezis – Deputy Secretary, Forest, Fire and Regions, Dept. Environment, Land, Water and Planning and
David Nugent, Director, Fire and Emergency Services, Parks Victoria.