Certification and Compliance
Certification provides consumers with a guarantee that the wood products they buy come from sustainable forestry practices. It confirms that the timber used to make those products comes from sustainably managed forests using operations that comply with independently assessed, global benchmarks.
Certification is voluntary and only 10% of the world's forests are certified. There are two major certification schemes worldwide: the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) and the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®).
VicForests' operations are certified under the nationally endorsed Responsible Wood which has been specifically developed for Australia’s forests and is internationally recognised by the PEFC – the world’s largest forest certification scheme.
The Forest Stewardship Council of Australia advised VicForests that it cannot currently be a member until it is FSC® certified.
The Council has stated that it will welcome an application from VicForests when it could satisfy the current membership requirement and has strongly urged VicForests to continue its pursuit of the Controlled Wood Standard.
The Controlled Wood Standard is considered by VicForests to be an important step in achieving full forest certification through FSC®.
The Council’s advice does not affect our commitment to achieving the Controlled Wood Standard and has not been influenced by the current continuing audit process.
We will consider the FSC's invitation to seek membership if we become eligible.
Click here for more information regarding Certification
VicForests is open to scrutiny of its operations to demonstrate compliance with its Sustainable Forest Management System and associated regulatory requirements.
VicForests is regularly audited as part of its certification to the Responsible Wood Standard; VicForests’ finances are audited by the Victorian Auditor General’s Office and operations are audited by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning through the Forest Audit Program.
Click here to view all Audit Reports relating to VicForests' operations