Organisational Structure
VicForests is a State-owned business with an independent Board of Directors, and accountable to the Victorian Government through the Minister for Agriculture and Regional Development and the Treasurer.
VicForests' Board
Executive Management
Monique Dawson - Chief Executive Officer
Darryn Kamp - Chief Financial Officer
Areas of responsibility include: Finance, Corporate Reporting, Risk Management and Information Technology
Anne Geary - General Manager Transformation
Areas of responsibility include: Strategy & Industry Policy, Business Development, Forest Resource Information, GIS Services, and Climate Change & R&D
Natalie Naylor - General Counsel
Areas of responsibility include: Legal and Procurement
Deon Kriek - General Manager Operations
Areas of responsibility include: Sales, Forest Contracting, Planning, Harvesting, Regeneration, Roading, Product Delivery and Community Forestry
Jason Hellyer - General Manager People, Safety and Culture
Areas of responsibility include: Human Resources, Safety, Staff Development, and Training