Media Releases 2016
VicForests’ sustainability certification extends to western Victoria
15 December 2016
VicForests has successfully extended its certification to the Australian Forestry Standard (AFS) to include community forestry operations in western Victoria.
Nathan Trushell, Acting CEO VicForests, said that this is the first time VicForests has sought certification for its community forestry operations. (More).
Sustainable operations support local jobs
23 November 2016
The Strathbogie State Forest has been providing local employment to residents for over 100 years.
The work VicForests do is sustainable and the area being harvested in this region this year is only 0.1% of the total Strathbogies forest. (More)
Harvesting rescheduled in Strathbogies
4 November 2016
The timber harvesting operation that was postponed in the Strathbogie State forest due to wet weather have now been rescheduled.
General Manager Planning, Lachlan Spencer, said the operation will be undertaken using the single-tree selection harvesting method. (More)
VicForests seeks community consultation on changes to its TRP
2 November 2016
VicForests is seeking comment from local community members on proposed changes to the Timber Release Plan (TRP).
VicForests Acting CEO, Nathan Trushell, said any amendment to the Timber Release Plan would not change the overall level of harvesting. (More)
VicForests reports another strong year
27 October 2016
VicForests achieved its best ever full-year operating result of $6.8 million for the 2015/16 Financial Year and a net profit after tax of $3.4 million.
Robert Green, CEO of VicForests said “This is the fourth consecutive year we have returned a profit and as a result at 30 June 2016 we were completely debt free as an organisation. (More)
Harvesting delayed in Strathbogies
18 October 2016
The timber harvesting operations that were planned to begin in the Strathbogie State forest in September have been postponed due to wet weather.
Significant rain over the past four to six weeks has delayed the start of harvesting. (More)
Woodchop Champions a Chip off the old Block
14 October 2016
A family of Woodchopping champions from regional Victoria took home an impressive 23 ribbons at this year’s Royal Melbourne Show.
For almost 70 years now, the Meyers have been competing and making a name for themselves in woodchop events all around Australia and the world. Brad Meyer, contractor for VicForests, said that wood-chopping has become a proud family tradition. (More)
VicForests Stakeholder Update
11 October 2016
VicForests CEO Robert Green announced on Friday 7 October that he will be leaving VicForests to pursue a career opportunity in New Zealand.
Mr Green will be taking on a position as CEO of Kaingaroa Timberland in New Zealand, one of the world’s oldest and largest softwood plantations. He will remain with VicForests until the end of November 2016. (More)
Exciting discovery of Spot-tailed Quolls in East Gippsland
21 September 2016
Two rare and threatened Spot-tailed Quolls have been discovered in the Bendoc region in East Gippsland.
The detections are only the second time the species has been found in over five years of VicForests pre-harvest surveys. (More)
Mules and Horses help replant forest in Victoria’s north-east
20 September 2016
A team of pack mules and horses have become the first in history to take part in a VicForests seeding operation in the Acheron.
In a pioneering move by Vic Forests contractors ‘Timberwolf’, this equine team was engaged to help carry the thousands of seedlings required to replant an area of forest that had been recently harvested for timber. (More)
Small scale timber harvesting in the Strathbogies
14 September 2016
A low intensity timber harvesting operation will begin in the Strathbogies state forest on Monday, 19 September 2016.
The operation will use the single-tree selection harvesting method, which has been chosen as a result of discussions between VicForests and the local community that have taken place over a number of years. (More)
VicForests grant supports Cann River classes for children
09 September 2016
Cann River Community Centre received a grant as a part of VicForests’ Community Support Program that will enable them to continue their arts and crafts classes for children.
The Community Centre runs a series of activities for children aged as young as four and has recently been struggling from a lack of financial assistance. (More)
Wood Encouragement Policy welcomed in East Gippsland
09 September 2016
VicForests welcomes the news that East Gippsland Shire Council’s Wood Encouragement Policy was unanimously adopted by councillors at a Council meeting in August.
East Gippsland Shire Council is the ninth Council to adopt this policy in Australia and the second regional Council in Victoria alongside Latrobe City Council. (More)
VicForests staff recognised for bravery as fire season nears
06 September 2016
As experts predict another difficult fire season, the VicForests staff who bravely battled the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires have been publically recognised.
The 50 staff members from VicForests, both past and present, who fought against the fires were recently presented with the National Emergency Medal at a special commemorative ceremony. (More)
Sustainable native forestry is the economically viable option in Victoria - VicForests opinion piece
29 July 2016
People connect to trees and forests on an emotional level. Beyond the fundamental role they play in providing the air we breathe, forests are often viewed as the gateway to nature and we feel the need to protect them from threats both man-made and natural.
This emotional connection can led to misconceptions about our native timber industry and the important roles forests also play in meeting our demand for wood products. (More)
Timber Release Plan Community Consultation Period
26 July 2016
VicForests is seeking comment from local community members on its proposed changes to the Timber Release Plan relating to timber harvesting operations in North East Victoria, West Gippsland and East Gippsland regions.
The community consultation period begins on July 26 and runs through to August 19 2016.
In conjunction with its public consultation process, VicForests are consulting closely with the Forest Industry Taskforce about the next Timber Release Plan. (More)
VicForests partners with Noojee Historical Society
19 July 2016
The Noojee and District Historical Society will be upgrading its facilities as a result of a three year sponsorship from VicForests as part of its annual Community Support Program.
The Noojee and District Historical Society runs a historical and educational facility that showcases the culture and industry of Noojees history by maintaining and reconstructing historical sites. (More)
Investing in the future of regional Victoria
15 July 2016
Over $5 million dollars is being invested into the Victorian timber industry by local businesses which will boost regional economic growth and provide job security in rural areas.
The majority of the investment has come from three VicForests’ regional customers, however, there has also been significant support via a range of Local, State and Federal Government grants aimed at supporting regional communities. (More)
VicForests grant supports Warragul Opportunity Shop
14 July 2016
VicForests has provided funding to Baw Baw Combined Churches Food Relief to support their Opportunity Shop through a Community Support Program grant.
Baw Baw Combined Churches Food Relief recently opened an Opportunity Shop in Warragul to raise money for their food relief program and sought funding to promote the shop to the broader community in its early stages. (More)
Timber harvesting in Victoria’s Central Highlands worth $573 million annually
11 July 2016
A newly released study has found timber harvesting in Victoria’s native forests north-east of Melbourne generates $573 million worth of economic activity each year.
The study was undertaken by Deloitte Access Economics (DAE) and focussed specifically on the Central Highlands Regional Forest Agreement area which covers 623,000 hectares of public land to the north-east of Melbourne. (More)
Bush track closures in Alberton West
27 June 2016
Four off road bush tracks in the Alberton West State forest will be temporarily closed as a result of forest thinning operations from 15 July to 1 October 2016. (More)
Keeping Forestry Sustainable in East Gippsland
20 June 2016
VicForests has provided the community with more information about future timber supply to mills in East Gippsland after criticism last week.
Nathan Trushell, General Manager Stakeholders and Planning said timber resources available in the region have reduced substantially as a result of bushfires, increases to the reserve system and improvements in the way sustainable yields are determined. (More)
Sustaining the Native Timber Industry for Five Generations
16 June 2016
Family has always been an integral part of the A.G Brown Sawmill.
Five generations have worked in the Victorian native hardwood industry for almost 100 years and seven of the 55 current staff at the sawmill are members of the Brown family. (More)
VicForests congratulates the Alexandra Truck Ute and Rod Show on 20 years
12 June 2016
VicForests congratulates the organisers of the Alexandra Truck, Ute and Rod Show on celebrating the events 20th birthday.
Nathan Trushell, General Manager Stakeholders and Planning said VicForests’ ongoing sponsorship of the Show is designed to help support the community which has been a timber town for over a hundred years. (More)
VicForests Community Support Program open for applications
2 June 2016
VicForests is inviting not for profit community groups and services to apply for a grant as part of its 2016 Community Support Program, before the deadline of Friday, 10 June. (More)
Greater Glider habitat protected in East Gippsland
18 May 2016
VicForests has stopped timber harvesting operations in an area in East Gippsland following the verification of a Greater Glider detection by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP). (More)
Koondrook’s vibrant timber industry to feature on Channel Seven
10 May 2016
The team from Channel Seven’s Going Bush recently visited the Arbuthnot Saw Mill in Koondrook to learn more about VicForests’ community forestry operations. (More)
VicForests is looking after safety
28 April 2016
VicForests achieved two significant safety achievements in March that are paving the way towards the goal of zero harm. (More)
World Champion Woodchop at AusTimber
12 April 2016
VicForests sponsored an event for Australia’s most skilled woodchoppers this year at AusTimber.
The event has attracted many state, nation-wide and international woodchopping champions including Laurence O’Toole, the world champion in Underhand and Standing divisions. (More)
Change in log truck movements
8 April 2016
There will be an increase in the number of log trucks travelling through Yea and Alexandra following a decision by VicForests to suspend the use of the Black Spur by B Double log trucks. (More)
Sowing the seeds for Victoria’s future
31 March 2016
Hundreds of millions of eucalyptus seeds are currently being spread across Victoria’s State forests.
Helicopters are being used to spread the seeds as part of a program to regrow forests which have been harvested to supply wood to Victoria’s timber industry. (More).
Letter to the Alexandra and Eildon Standard
31 March 2016
VicForests responds to concerns over timber harvesting operations taking place near Rubicon. (More)
Forester Fights Fire in Rubicon
24 March 2016
A VicForests Forester has helped to fight a fire near Rubicon State Forest. Jim Anderson stopped to help a couple of people on the side of Rubicon Road who were frantically trying to beat flames out in a grass fire with their shirts.
Thinking quick and concerned for their welfare, Jim pulled over to offer some assistance and noticed the fire was developing and spreading. (More)
Teaching children the value of sustainably managed forests
17 March 2016
VicForests provided each student at Gladysdale primary school with a seedling in celebration of International Day of Forests and to teach them about sustainable forest management.
The United Nation’s International Day of Forests is held on 21 March every year and is a chance to show the positive nature of forestry and the benefits forests provide to communities across the world. (More)
Hundreds of new Leadbeater’s Possum colonies discovered
10 March 2016
There have been 218 new Possum colonies verified since February 2015 following surveys conducted by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, Arthur Rylah Institute (ARI), VicForests, Parks Victoria, Zoos Victoria and the community, including four detections verified in the past week.
VicForests gets stamp of approval for sustainability
24 February 2016
VicForests has been successfully re-certified to the Australian Standard for Sustainable Forest Management for the ninth year running. CEO Robert Green said that this re-certification is a great example of how VicForests is continuously improving and adapting its operations as a leader in sustainable and ethical timber production. (More)