Western Victoria FAQs
What has changed?
VicForests is now responsible for managing small scale timber harvesting licences in Victoria. These licences had previously been managed by the Department of Environment and Primary Industries (now DELWP).
What will this change mean?
VicForests will maintain the current licensing and management arrangements, and has no plans for any immediate change.The change in management responsibility will not impact on timber supply to the community and customers, or to VicForests’ existing customers.
The community won’t notice any difference on the ground with all operations being managed in line with existing licences.
Why has this transfer of responsibility taken place?
The transfer now means all commercial harvesting in Victoria is now managed by one organisation.This change clearly separates out DELWP’s role as the regulator from VicForests’ role in managing on ground operations.
What does this mean for licensees?
This change will largely be business as usual for licence holders:
- their existing licence issued by DEPI is still valid
- there will be no fundamental change to their licence conditions while the licence remains valid
- their allocation of timber and royalties will remain the same
VicForests has not managed this sector of licence holders previously. We have managed the supply of large volumes of timber for large commercial firewood operations.
What type of harvesting will take place?
There will be no change to the current methods of harvesting used by licensees.
What types of products will be produced?
Licensees provide timber which goes towards floor boards, laminated timbers, posts and rails, construction and landscaping materials as well as firewood for heating homes.
What about firewood collection?
This change does not impact domestic firewood collection across Victoria with DELWP remaining responsible for managing the collection of firewood by the general public.