Coupe Plans and Maps
VicForests will post coupe plans and maps here. This information is being made public in the interests of easy access to coupe data and details for interested stakeholders.
This process includes the monthly posting of coupes intended for harvest.
Coupe Plans and Maps
The coupe plans and maps will remain online until harvesting is complete (ie when contractors sign out of a coupe) and may be subject to change even whilst harvesting is in progress. Such change may happen on the ground and not be immediately reflected in the posting of updated documents.
The timing of this work may be further impacted by constraints under the Coronavirus (COVID-19) response.
A monthly list of coupes intended for harvesting is created for each region in which VicForests operates. For each coupe, a plan and map is finalised for timber harvesting operations in coupes that are active, or intended to soon to become active, from 1 April 2020.
These monthly lists are subject to change and are indicative only as they may need to be amended or varied at any point in time depending on a number of factors.
To ensure the latest data is considered and added, coupe plans and maps may not be finalised and posted until immediately prior to harvest.
VicForests endeavours to update the lists as well as the coupe plans and maps that appear on its website as soon as practicable after changes are made.
Safety / COVID-19
Active coupes include heavy machinery and moving timber and are dangerous areas.
To maintain safety, all scheduled or current coupes include an exclusion zone that must be observed by members of the public or unauthorised persons.
There have been recent instances of community members entering coupes illegally.
These incursions into Timber Harvesting Safety Zones (THSZ) put those involved at significant risk of serious injury or death.
At a time of Coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions, these incursions also may breach social distancing rules and other Government directions and put those entering the coupes, and VicForests staff and contractors at unnecessary risk. Fines may apply for breaching these restrictions (see “on-the-spot fines” for Coronavirus (COVID-19) at
To view coupes that have had a Timber Harvesting Safety Zone (THSZ) applied,
North East Region (includes North-East, Benalla-Mansfield, Central and Dandenong FMAs)
West Gippsland Region (includes Central Gippsland FMA)
32 Thinning (490-501-0012-A)
Bomber (485-508-0005-A)
Myrrh (462-508-0007-A
East Gippsland Region (includes Tambo and East Gippsland FMAs)
Sea View (801-511-0009-A)
During the bushfires, VicForests was requested by the Emergency Services Commissioner and Forest Fire Management Victoria to establish a training coupe for accreditation of key non-VicForests personnel for the bushfire recovery tasks. Necessary accreditations will be achieved via TAFE and through the use of this training coupe (Sea View). The coupe will be harvested with a 40% variable retention method. The Office of the Conservation Regulator (OCR) has scrutinised all aspects of the coupe plan prior to coupe commencement.
VicForests Regions
VicForests regions are outlined in the map below. Note that North East Region includes North-East, Benalla-Mansfield, Central and Dandenong FMAs; West Gippsland Region includes Central Gippsland FMA; East Gippsland includes Tambo and East Gippsland FMAs.
Further information
For further details on the schedules, maps and plans, email