Certification and audit
We want Australians to know when they buy Victorian native timber – harvested and supplied by VicForests – that the wood is fully certified.
Certification give the assurance that Victorian forests are managed responsibly to deliver sustainable social, environmental, and economic outcomes.
All of VicForests operations are certified under the Responsible Wood Certification Scheme.
Defined forest area
VicForests identifies two geographically separate defined forest areas (DFA) to which the standard applies.
This includes all forests available to VicForests under the Allocation Order 2013, and as amended in 2019, as well as other forest management zones that permit timber harvesting.
In the Eastern DFA we can only operate outside of the Allocation Order if we are issued a Forest Produce Licence issued under section 52 of the Forests Act 1958 by the responsible minister or delegate.
In the Eastern DFA the primary forest management units include:
- ash species
- high elevation mixed species
- low elevation mixed species
- coastal mixed species.
This Eastern DFA can be viewed on the
This includes all forest areas identified under VicForests Timber Utilisation Plan.
In the Western DFA primary forest management units include:
- low elevation mixed species
- coastal mixed species
- red gum
- box ironbark
- ash species (blackwood).
This Western DFA can be viewed on the