Harvesting process
We harvest, commercially sell and sustainably regrow timber from Victoria’s State forests under a mandate from the Victorian government.
Our planning process is extensive, with a particular focus on conservation values. And all work is undertaken by highly skilled foresters.
Each tree we harvest is replanted and regrown with the original species. We apply extensive protections for protected species, as well as protecting waterways and soils.
Coupe plans
Coupes are harvested according to a coupe plan designed specifically for that area of forest.
This plan specifies the requirements to be followed during an operation and includes the final results from pre-harvest surveys and how the operation is to be conducted. These plans are accompanied by detailed maps produced using GIS software.
Important areas for conservation, habitat retention, access and other important factors are described, mapped and monitored before during and after a harvest operation
Coupes are harvested by experienced contractors under the direction and management of experienced professional foresters. Specialist skills are required to ensure an operation works smoothly. These skills include machinery operation, biodiversity protection, quality assurance and safety management.
More Information on VicForests Harvesting systems can be found here.
Timber value assessment
Not all parts of the tree are the same. There are many different qualities of timber that can come from an individual tree and we aim to use as much of a harvested tree as possible.
Sections of an individual tree is graded to separate out the various qualities of timber, this includes:
- high-quality timber, which is used to produce high quality furniture, flooring and staircases
- lower-quality timber, which is used for house, window and door structures as well as pallets and fence posts
- residual timber, which is used to produce paper or firewood.
Once the logs have been graded and sorted into sizes, quantities and species, they are loaded onto trucks to be delivered.