Coupe Safety: Risks For Unauthorised Visitors
- There have been recent incidents of forest protesters entering coupes without prior authorisation or notice, and encroaching on the area where mechanical harvesters are falling trees.
- Coupes are dangerous environments - and pose a risk of Serious Injury or Death.
- These incursions of active coupes also creates an unacceptable workplace risk to machine operators.
- Harvester operations pose an extreme risk for unprotected persons. A tree, part of a tree or limb can cause Death or Serious Injury.
- Operators within the coupe are very focused on the task they are performing. Approaching any operating machinery unannounced or from a wooded area, means the operator is unlikely to see you. They might inadvertently fall a tree, move a tree, or slew the machine in your direction.
- Logs are typically stacked at landings. Climbing, standing or walking on a log stack is very dangerous and poses a risk of Serious Injury or Death.
- Slips and fall hazards are prevalent throughout coupes.
- Adhere to Timber Harvesting Safety Zones. Active coupes are dangerous work sites that must be carefully managed to ensure safety of both those working on site and the general public.
DO NOT ENTER Timber Harvesting Safety Zones.