Responsible Wood Certification Scheme
VicForests operations are certified under the Responsible Wood Certification Scheme, which is endorsed and internationally recognised by PEFC, the world's largest forest certification scheme. The Australian Standard for Sustainable Forest Management (AS4708) underpins and supports this Responsible Wood Certification Scheme. This standard has been specifically developed for Australia’s forests under a robust standards development process endorsed by Standards Australia.
The Responsible Wood Certification Scheme protects and promotes Australia's unique environments by ensuring a forest industry that is environmentally, socially, culturally and commercially sustainable.
The scheme is made up of two Australian standards:
- Sustainable Forest Management (AS 4708)
- Chain of Custody (AS 4707)
VicForests meets the Sustainable Forest Management standard (AS 4708). The Chain of Custody (AS 4707) is not relevant to our operations.
The Australian Standard for Sustainable Forest Management (AS 4708) demonstrates that VicForests' operations meet requirements for best practice in sustainable forest management.
This is done by ensuring our operations meet a set of predetermined and clearly defined environmental, economic, social and cultural performance requirements that supports sustainable management of forests.
For more information on Responsible Wood, including standards they certify, visit: