As a member of many local and rural communities, VicForests actively engages with its community members by supporting local events and educating school students, university students and businesses about the native timber industry in Victoria.
The education VicForests offers can be in the form of open day events, a stand at a local event, a speaker at a local school or field trips for interested stakeholders to areas that VicForests operates in.
If you are part of a school or business that is interested in learning more about VicForests and the native timber industry in Victoria by taking part in a field trip or speaking to someone then please contact us at
Related Websites
Forest Learning serves school teachers and educators, children, and the public with information on Australian forests and forest-based products, and provision and access to forestry teaching resources. It is further supported by links to key government, industry organisations and educational service providers.
Naturally Better provides information about Australia's forest and wood products sector. The aim is to help everyone understand the natural advantages of wood and its positive contribution to reducing the effects of climate change.