VicForests' Stakeholder Engagement
VicForests recognises the community interest in timber harvesting in Victoria.
Engaging with the community is vital to improving the public’s understanding of VicForests and how we operate.
Engagement is also crucial to ensuring the community is given the chance to have input into the planning of timber harvesting and other associated operations.
How VicForests responds: Timelines in Place
VicForests is committed to a clear process for addressing stakeholder feedback related to our operations.
We aim to provide an initial response acknowledging stakeholder complaints or concerns within five (5) working days with a more detailed response provided within twenty (20) working days of the initial correspondence being received. These response times should be referred to as a guide - more complex matters may require longer to resolve. Further details are provided in our Stakeholder Engagement Guidelines.
Engagement: Further Information
VicForests’ stakeholder engagement activities provide the community with opportunities to have input into planning and operational practices, help improve the public’s understanding of VicForests and how we operate, and to allow us to better understand the important issues for our stakeholders.
VicForests engages across a range of major activities, including the Timber Release Plan (TRP), Forest Management Plan, and in regard to various coupes and regions in which we operate.
VicForests' Stakeholder Engagement Framework guides these activities and includes our Stakeholder Engagement Policy and VicForests Stakeholder Engagement Guidelines.
Feedback on these documents is welcomed and can be sent via the Contact Us page on our website.