VicForests Community Support Program
Please click on the sections below to view the answers.
Who is eligible to apply?
VicForests welcomes applications from a wide range of local not-for-profit community groups, including the following:
- Community groups whose services and programs will directly benefit local community members
- Community groups and organisations based in Western Victoria, Central Highlands or East Gippsland regions in which VicForests operates
- Community groups who support VicForests' operations and its aim of a sustainable native forestry industry
Examples of eligible groups which may apply:
- Indigenous groups
- Local schools
- Sporting organisations
- Youth organisations
- Local charities
- Other local not-for-profit organisations
What events/activities will NOT be funded?
Sponsorship grants will NOT be provided for:
- Individuals
- Commercial businesses
- Community groups whose aims, objectives or beliefs are not in accord with VicForests' activities or VicForests' aim of contributing to a sustainable native forestry industry
- Projects not based in VicForests' Central Highlands, East Gippsland, West Gippsland or West Victoria regions
- Retrospective costs for project programs or events that have already taken place
- Travel or accommodation costs for interstate or overseas travel
- Staff salaries or the employment of consultants to deliver projects/services
- Political, religious or spiritual organisations where their key focus is to promote their beliefs
- Community groups who already receive ongoing funding support from VicForests
- Applicants who have not completed all details of the application form
- Applications for funding which will not be spent within the 2016/17 financial year
- Applications which arrive after the closing date
- More than one application from a single community group